Last Updated on: 1 August 2007
PLUNDERING THE OLD CITY Along with the increased number of expatriates in Kabul since 2003 has come an upturn in the market in decorated timber objects.
REGISTRATION OF HISTORIC MONUMENTS IN KABUL AND HERAT Renewed efforts are being made to assist the department of Historic Monuments of the Ministry of Culture & Youth to register key historic monuments in Kabul and Herat.
THE SHRINE OF KHOJA ROKHBAND IN HERAT Conservation work has started on the shrine complex of Khoja Rokhband (literally the ‘master who covers his face’) in the Bar Durrani quarter of the old city of Herat.
AKTC PROPERTY SURVEY IN HERAT Between May 2005 and July 2006, a survey was conducted of some 26,000 residential and commercial properties in the old city of Herat.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR UPGRADING The response to the upgrading of underground drains in Bar Durrani and Abdullah Mesri quarters of the old city has been encouraging, with residents undertaking excavation works themselves and assisting AKTC workers.