Article Author: Aga Khan Agency for Habitat partners to design affordable, climate-resilient single-family homes
Media Source: Asia Plus (Tajikistan)
Date: 19 May 2019
The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) has partnered with the "Resilient Homes Design Challenge" to design climate-resilient single-family homes costing less than 10,000 U.S. dollars. "The countries that fall in AKAH’s remit have suffered 847 major disasters over the last 28 years, accounting for over 243,000 lives lost," sa
The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) has partnered with the "Resilient Homes Design Challenge" to design climate-resilient single-family homes costing less than 10,000 U.S. dollars. "The countries that fall in AKAH’s remit have suffered 847 major disasters over the last 28 years, accounting for over 243,000 lives lost," said Prince Hussain Aga Khan, Chairman of the Executive Committee for AKAH. "As all of us know, these disasters often cause families to lose their most valuable asset: their home. The AKAH was created specifically to find ways to deal with these increasing threats. Its mission is to find innovative ways to address the threat of natural disaster and work to make communities resilient, building on the decades of experience of various AKDN agencies."