Article Author: Garissa builds and equips 30 ICT centres to train youth
Media Source: The Star (Kenya)
Date: 24 January 2021
In Kenya, the Garissa county has built and equipped 30 ICT (Information and communication technology) centres in three years to provide job training for young people. Vocational training and ICT expert, Habiba Nasib, said the centres were fully furnished and the campaign to enroll youth in vocational training had been succes
In Kenya, the Garissa county has built and equipped 30 ICT (Information and communication technology) centres in three years to provide job training for young people. Vocational training and ICT expert, Habiba Nasib, said the centres were fully furnished and the campaign to enroll youth in vocational training had been successful. Habiba commended the partnership with several organisations including Unicef and the Aga Khan Foundation to support both early and childhood development (ECD) schools and vocational training centres.