Article Author: Technology making Kenya inclusive for physically challenged
Media Source: The Exchange (Tanzania)
Date: 21 October 2020
Technology is making Africa an inclusive continent when it comes to making life better for those living with disabilities. Kenya which has been in the frontline in embracing tech solutions to everyday challenges has seen revolutionary innovations which are making life better for those who would otherwise be marginalised else
Technology is making Africa an inclusive continent when it comes to making life better for those living with disabilities. Kenya which has been in the frontline in embracing tech solutions to everyday challenges has seen revolutionary innovations which are making life better for those who would otherwise be marginalised elsewhere in the societal strata. For instance last year, Raphael Mwachiti, a Kenyan student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa achieved international recognition for his innovative work which uses technology to help visually impaired individuals. The student won the Ryerson Sandbox in Toronto, Canada, runs an intensive boot camp for six weeks every year.