Madagascar · 16 September 2008 · 2 min
Alain Lits
Antananarivo, September 15, 2008 - The Première Agence de MicroFinance has expanded its operations in
The Première Agence de MicroFinance (PAMF) began its operations in the
Expanding outreach to rural areas is particularly important as the microfinance penetration rate is still very low in these regions. The population mainly subsist on agricultural production and are in need of credit for farm inputs. In
At the end of June 2008, PAMF had disbursed over USD 2 million to more than 10'000 clients. Before the end of 2008, PAMF will also open another office in the outskirts of the capital city,
Since its establishment in 2005, the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance (AKAM) has brought together over 25 years of microfinance activities, programmes and banks that were administered by sister agencies within the Aga Khan Development Network. The underlying objectives of the Agency are to reduce poverty, diminish the vulnerability of poor populations and alleviate economic and social exclusion. AKAM is a not-for-profit, non-denominational, international development agency created under Swiss law. Its headquarters are in
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of institutions working to improve living conditions and opportunities in specific regions of the developing world. The Network's institutions have mandates that range from the fields of health and education to rural development and the promotion of private-sector enterprise. The three main areas of activity in the Network are social development, economic development and culture.