Uganda · 16 June 2008 · 2 min
AKDN / Aziz Islamshah
Kampala, Uganda, 27 May 2002 — His Highness the Aga Khan, Imam (spiritual leader) of the Ismaili Muslims, today held discussions with President Yoweri Museveni and other senior government officials.
The meetings covered the progress of activities undertaken by the Aga Khan Development Network in Uganda since the Aga Khan’s last official visit here in 1997.
While in Kampala, the Aga Khan reviewed the progress and visited the premises of the Advanced Nursing Programme of the Aga Khan University, which enrolled its first students in January 2001. The innovative curriculum of this programme has attracted an increasing number of applicants from government and private medical facilities for the coming year.
The Aga Khan Education Services school complex at Makerere Road was also visited by the Aga Khan.
The Aga Khan also had the opportunity to meet with members of the Ismaili Muslim community which has had an established presence in Uganda going back to the 19th century.
The Aga Khan Development Network is active in Uganda in the social development sector through the Aga Khan Foundation, the Aga Khan Education Service and the Aga Khan University. Through various project companies of Industrial Promotion Services (Uganda) Ltd. and financial institutions such as Diamond Trust Bank and the Jubilee Insurance Company, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development promotes enterprise and development in the private sector
The Aga Khan leaves Uganda for Kenya today.
For further information, please contact: The Information Office Kampala Tel: (077) 401100
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