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“This pandemic presents the greatest challenge the world has seen in decades, and it is critically important that we act, both individually and collectively, such that we are able to change the trajectory of the virus, slow its progress and ultimately halt its impact on our communities, said Firoz Rasul, AKU’s President.

For information about AKU, please see:

The University of Central Asia (UCA) is also supporting local government and have offered some facilities at the campus as part of the town’s emergency plan for Naryn.

UCA also distributed food and medical supplies to 500 families identified by the Mayor’s office in the socially vulnerable category in Naryn (Kyrgyzstan). This included masks (2000), hand sanitizers (500 litres), antibacterial soap (1500 bars), flour (2500 kg), pasta (1500 kg), and cooking oil (500 litres). This donation was made possible through a partnership between the University of Central Asia, the Aga Khan Development Network, the Aga Khan Foundation Kyrgyzstan, and the Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank (KICB).