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“We help each other, and this helped us to become stronger,” Saidrahmonova said. “We go selling together, negotiate among us and discuss with the buyer.”


Thrive Tajikistan is a programme supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF). The programme helps people improve their quality of life by supporting farmers, building up small businesses, increasing access to financial services and strengthening local governance.

The programme had previously helped Saidrahmonova start a community-based health financing scheme in her village. Then in 2019, as Thrive Tajikistan worked with farmers to establish 19 producer groups across Khatlon, Saidrahmonova was voted the leader of the potato producer group in her village, which included 13 women and six men.

Later, the 19 producer groups came together to form four clusters in the Shahrituz, Quobodiyon, Panj and Farkhor districts. The cluster approach allows producer groups to work with and learn from each other. Saidrahmonova became the sole woman to lead one of the potato clusters, which included over 100 farmers.

Increasing the potato harvest while adapting to a pandemic

As the four potato clusters looked to improve their harvest, they identified a lack of high-quality potato seeds as their biggest challenge. AKF worked with the clusters to buy certified potato seeds and distribute them to more than 370 potato farmers in all four clusters. AKF also established demonstration plots for the clusters to help the farmers become familiar with new technology, understand the proper use of fertilizers and pesticides, and test the adaptability of high-yielding varieties of potato seeds.

Although the farmers had planned to harvest the potatoes from the high-quality seeds in April 2020, the Khatlon region experienced extreme cold weather during the month for the first time in 26 years. The farmers also had to adapt to a changed environment because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this, the farmers did not give up. They came together, shared knowledge and jointly decided to delay the harvest until early June. They were able to continue working while wearing masks to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

When the potatoes were harvested in June, the crop yielded approximately 1,430 metric tonnes of potatoes. This yield was about 15 to 20 percent higher than in previous years and has resulted in increased income for the farmers and improved food security for the region.

Saidrahmonova exceeded her expectations for the potato harvest. “Out of the harvest last year, a very small amount was high quality,” she said. “This year, all of our potatoes were high quality, and people liked them a lot.”