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The Aga Khan Academy in Maputo is the third in the network of Aga Khan Academies. It follows the highly …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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The Aga Khan Foundation’s ECD programmes in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo is accredited as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes.

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo is accredited as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for the …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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AKF’s Coastal Rural Support Programme (CRSP) transformed the Agrarian School of Bilibiza into an educational …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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In Mozambique, AKDN’s activities are concentrated in Cabo Delgado, the country’s northernmost and poorest …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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Mozambique | Education


The Aga Khan Academy Maputo provides education for students aged 3-18

The Government of Mozambique selected AKF to introduce the first national ECD plan in Cabo Delgado, a pilot to scale up ECD services in the country under the “Education for All” initiative. AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

The Government of Mozambique selected AKF to introduce the first national ECD plan in Cabo Delgado, a pilot to scale up ECD services in the country under the “Education for All” initiative. 

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

Early Childhood Development

The Aga Khan Foundation helped build early childhood development capacity, giving children the skills to engage with primary education. The Foundation was selected by the government to introduce the first national early childhood development plan. This resulted in over a thousand community members being trained, benefiting more than 15,000 children under five from 2014 to 2019.

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo offers an Early Years programme for three- to five-year-olds as part of its International Baccalaureate curriculum.

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The Aga Khan Academy in Maputo, Mozambique.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

Aga Khan Academy Maputo

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo is the third in an integrated network of Aga Khan Academies established by His Highness the Aga Khan. Students are selected based on merit and financial aid is available to ensure access for students from all socio-economic backgrounds.

The Programme

The Academy, located in the province of Maputo, city of Matola, opened in 2013. It is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programme. Interwoven into the curriculum are five critical areas of study known as the Aga Khan Curricular Strands: Ethics, Pluralism, Economics for Development, Cultures, and Governance and Civil Society.

The Academy has been granted membership of the Council of International Schools (CIS). This is one of the world’s leading quality assurance organisations and is helping the school to reflect upon and develop its practices in all areas of operation. The aim is to become a fully accredited school. This is a comprehensive three-year school improvement process.


The Academy features state-of-the-art facilities, a multicultural student body and an experienced team of educators and staff. Students experience the highest standards of education, preparing them for lives characterised by leadership and service. With spacious, digitally connected classrooms and resource areas, outdoor spaces and sports facilities, the Academy provides an outstanding environment for engaging in physical activities, cultural events, academic studies and community life.


With the launch of the residential programme in April 2019, the Academy also provides opportunities to students from across Mozambique, Africa and beyond to study at the Academy. Student residences are designed to accommodate students and dorm parents – teachers who have been chosen carefully and trained in their pastoral roles. The residences are vibrant, dynamic learning communities that provide students with authentic opportunities to develop as leaders, serve their community and nurture deep friendships.

Professional Development

Each Aga Khan Academy includes a Professional Development Centre (PDC) which trains teachers within and beyond the Academy. It runs programmes for local government and not-for-profit schools, and helps to develop teaching approaches which encourage intercultural learning and global citizenship. The PDC at the Academy in Maputo has been operational since September 2010, and has been offering a range of language, mathematics and leadership programmes for teachers and leaders of Mozambican public schools. In 2016 the PDC launched a Teacher Preparation Programme, through which recently graduated nationals were selected through a highly demanding process. They trained in participatory methodologies at the PDC, undertook a year of AKDN-funded specialised training in the IB curriculum at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa in Kenya and took up placements in the Aga Khan Academy Maputo.

We are proud to be contributing to the improvement of learning and teaching beyond the walls of the Academy, and to be developing the educational infrastructure of Maputo and Matola. Planned new facilities for the PDC will offer exciting opportunities to increase the scope and influence of our work.