A schoolgirl uses an outdoor water fountain.

Providing people with access to clean drinking water relieves them, women in particular, of the …

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

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Maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) in Mieze, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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Meeting organised by the Aga Khan Planning and Building Services (AKPBS) to raise awareness about key sanitation and personal hygiene messages. Una block, Gir Somnath district, Gujarat, India. AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer
Meeting organised by the Aga Khan Planning and Building Services (AKPBS) to raise awareness about key sanitation and personal hygiene messages. Una block, Gir Somnath district, Gujarat, India.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

Health Systems

We strengthen community health systems by providing training, materials and supplies, and community health worker supervision. We support and leverage civil society organisations to cascade health and nutrition action at community level. We enhance community case management and strengthen community monitoring and referral mechanisms.

We help reduce the burden of illness at the community level. We achieve this by promoting positive health, hygiene and nutrition behaviours and practices through behaviour change communication and community engagement. We strengthen civil society partnerships to promote transparency and accountability for both governmental and non-governmental health and nutrition services and programmes.

We improve access to and uptake of facility- and community-based health and nutrition services, by addressing gender, social, cultural and financial barriers to their use. Our targeted investments in healthcare infrastructure and equipment in government and AKDN facilities improve quality of care.

School supported under the AKDN Comprehensive Sanitation Initiative in Kukras, Gujarat, India. AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer
School supported under the AKDN Comprehensive Sanitation Initiative in Kukras, Gujarat, India

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

We strive to enable adolescents to navigate a positive pathway from childhood through to adulthood, by reducing risk, promoting resilience and broadening their opportunities. This is a conduit to addressing underlying drivers of poor health. It includes reducing the risks of violence, harmful attitudes, norms, behaviours and practices that contribute to gender inequality and infringe upon adolescents’ rights.

We reduce morbidity and mortality amongst adolescents as a result of communicable disease, non-communicable disease, self-harm and injury. This includes a focus on improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, including access to maternal care and support, interventions to delay parental age at first birth and access to family planning.

We also contribute to the global evidence base on adolescent health and well-being in several geographies, with a specific focus on addressing knowledge gaps in Central Asia.


We address undernutrition by fostering positive nutrition behaviours and practices. These include infant and young child feeding, reducing micronutrient deficiencies through food-based approaches and micronutrient supplementation, and enhancing early identification, treatment and monitoring of stunted, wasted and low birth weight children.

We focus on reducing the likelihood of intergenerational transmission of undernutrition. We improve preconceptual health and the nutritional status of adolescent girls, strengthen the health system to better integrate nutrition into ante-natal and postnatal care, and ensure the care and treatment of small and sick babies.

We reduce the burden of overweight and obesity by improving access to and use of a diverse array of nutritious foods, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and fostering positive nutrition behaviours and practices.

Social and Environmental Influencers of Health

Through initiatives aimed at reducing the barriers to access and uptake of health services, alleviating poverty, addressing inequality, and promoting women’s empowerment, we aim to address the social and environmental risk factors and conditions which drive poor health outcomes.

We acknowledge the increased risk and role that environmental factors play in human health. We address environmental influencers by supporting initiatives which increase access to clean water and household sanitation, and mitigate risks which arise from indoor air pollution. In 2022, we provided over a million people with drinking water and sanitation services.