
On the road to save lives: Mobile health clinics in Mozambique

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5 ways education can nurture peace

Mountain solutions: Innovating today, sustaining tomorrow

AKF launches AgroVida programme to improve nutrition and food security for 125,000 people in northern Mozambique

5 reasons we need mangroves

Aga Khan Foundation


2.2 million

Our early childhood development services reach over 2.2 million children.



We operate in 18 countries across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.


6 million

We reach over six million people through the support of 26,000 civil society organisations.

“Singular inputs alone will not do the job – not in the time available, not across the wide spectrum of needs. But if we can work simultaneously and synergistically on several fronts, then progress in one area will spur progress in other areas. The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts. ”

His Highness the Aga Khan
Paris, March 2010

A man milks a cow amidst rocks, with a river and mountains in the background.

Agriculture and Food Security

A group of people stand on a path with houses behind them and smile for the camera.

Civil Society

A woman carries a basket of vegetables from the field behind her.

Climate Resilience

A teacher admires the pink paper circles created by her classroom of young children.

Early Childhood Development

A man sits with two children on a carpet, reading with them.


A schoolgirl uses an outdoor water fountain.

Health and Nutrition

Four entrepreneurs in the Kyrgyz Republic have a discussion around a table.

Work and Enterprise

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