AKAH Tajikistan
Dushanbe, Tajiquistão, 19 de Agosto de 2021 - A Agência Aga Khan para o Habitat (AKAH) assinou um acordo de parceria estratégica com o Comité de Arquitetura e Construção do Governo da República do Tajiquistão que incluirá medidas para aumentar a mitigação de riscos, a densificação estratégica e a adaptação às alterações climáticas para uma cidade de 31 000 habitantes.
Um dos componentes-chave do acordo será a atualização do Plano da Cidade de Khorog de 2010 para incluir componentes de resiliência, numa colaboração entre o Comité de Arquitetura, a UN-Habitat, a AKAH e a Secretaria de Estado para os Assuntos Económicos da Suíça (SECO).
O Plano de Resiliência para a Cidade de Khorog será vinculado a um plano de investimento com vista a um maior crescimento económico de uma cidade que se prevê que duplique a sua população nos próximos 20 anos. O objetivo é criar um plano urbano resiliente em zonas de alta montanha, que possa ser replicado em todo o Tajiquistão ou em outras partes da Ásia Central.
Esta colaboração irá apoiar o Comité de Arquitetura nas áreas de planeamento urbano sustentável, projetos de resiliência e planeamento rural. O Acordo é assinado no âmbito do Programa de Resiliência Urbana de Khorog, uma parceria de cinco anos entre o Governo do Tajiquistão, a comunidade internacional e a população de Khorog para desenvolver uma resiliência de longo prazo para Khorog e para o povo do Tajiquistão.
Esta colaboração abrange outras áreas, como a capacitação para o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas para um planeamento urbano moderno, sustentável e resiliente, incluindo ferramentas para a atividade da cidade e o planeamento de resiliência. A AKAH e a SECO estão a providenciar apoio com software e hardware para o desenvolvimento de planos urbanos, planeamento financeiro da cidade; avaliações de capacidade demográfica, planeamento para adaptação às alterações climáticas nas cidades, e processos de construção verdes. A AKAH e o Comité de Arquitetura estão a colaborar na Competição “A Minha Visão para Khorog”, desenhada para recolher opiniões da comunidade em relação ao desenvolvimento para os próximos 30 anos, numa altura em que o Tajiquistão celebra este ano o 30.º aniversário da independência.
The newly launched urban planning and design lab will promote green disaster mitigation measures, such as using gabion boxes filled with local rocks to stabilize slopes and river banks. AKAH is training local communities in gabion weaving techniques.
Richard Chenevard, Deputy Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Tajikistan noted: "The Khorog Urban Resilience Programme is a very ambitious endeavour not only because of its intrinsic complexity but also because it aims at defining very long-term objectives. It prepares the future with and for the people involving experts and highly dedicated partners at government, oblast and city level. Switzerland, through its State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), is proud for being part of this challenging journey and looks forward to this renewed long-term relationship with Khorog and with the Republic of Tajikistan.”
Hadi Husani, the CEO of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat applauded the historic partnership, noting that urbanisation is increasing, and “this brings great potential for climate friendly economic development for greater economic growth. However, with the growing impact of climate change and natural hazards, resilient urban planning is even more important than before. With the support of the Committee of Architecture and Construction, the Government of Tajikistan and the strong partnership with the Government of Switzerland, we will transform Khorog, and other towns in Tajikistan into resilient cities, improving the quality of life for future generations”.
For further information, please contact: AKAH Communications at [email protected]
About the Khorog Urban Resilience Programme (KURP): KURP is a five-year initiative designed to set up the structures, systems and capacity to transform Khorog into a model resilient city, promoting sustainable economic growth and investment. The programme links the Government of Tajikistan structures, planning and investments to initiatives by the community and national and international partners to build resilience and plan for opportunity for Khorog. Anchor funding is provided by the Economic Cooperation and Development Division of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), with co-funding from the agencies of the AKDN, the European Union and the Embassy of Japan. KURP is implemented by the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, with support from the Aga Khan Foundation
About the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat: The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) works to ensure that people live in physical settings that are as safe as possible from the effects of climate change and natural disasters; that those who live in high-risk areas are prepared to cope with and respond to disasters; and that these settings have access to basic services providing opportunities for a better quality of life. AKAH aims to help communities living on the frontlines of climate change -- particularly in high mountains or urban centres -- adapt and thrive by building resilient habitats and reducing emissions. Established in 2016, AKAH combines several agencies and programs of the AKDN that had been operational since the 1990s in South and Central Asia, including Focus Humanitarian Assistance, the Aga Khan Planning and Building Services, the Disaster Risk Management Initiative and the Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Fund for the Environment. AKAH’s countries of operation include Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Pakistan and India. Read more about the agency at http://www.akdn.org/our-agencies/aga-khan-agency-habitat
About the Swiss Cooperation in Tajikistan: The Swiss Cooperation Office in Tajikistan represents the Swiss Government and supervises Swiss funded projects implemented in Tajikistan. There are actually f two Swiss Federal Agencies working in Tajikistan namely – the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Switzerland funds projects in the following domains: Water, infrastructure and climate change; Governance and Institution buildings; Employment and economic development; In addition, the Swiss Cooperation in Tajikistan promotes arts and culture through its Regional Arts and Culture Programme and supports small project proposals from local organisations.