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Michael Kocher.


The AKDN is a founding partner of the Earthshot Prize. Why is it involved in climate change issues?

The AKDN is proud to be a Global Alliance Founding Partner, working with the Earthshot Prize to deliver the ambition, scale and reach of the Prize through both funding and partnership objectives. The shared values between the Earthshot Prize and the AKDN are at the heart of our collaboration. Without question, responsible stewardship of the environment is central to our mission to improve the quality of life and well-being of the poorest and most vulnerable in society.

Prince Rahim Aga Khan, Chair of the AKDN’s Environment and Climate Committee, said: “It is our collective responsibility to be good stewards of the planet. At this critical moment, we must all nurture and invest in solutions that can repair our planet before it is too late.”

He also said “The decades of progress now hang in the balance: environmental degradation and climate change will wipe out these gains entirely unless we act now with urgency and conviction. To do its part, [the] AKDN has a net-zero carbon target for its own operations and will mobilise its agencies to mitigate the effects of climate change and help vulnerable communities to adapt.”