
Seeking common ground in a world of rivalry: AKDN at the 2023 Paris Peace Forum

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Aga Khan Master Musicians perform in Paris at l’Institut du Monde Arabe

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Institut de France and the city of Chantilly pay tribute to His Highness the Aga Khan

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AKDN | France

For years, we have worked together in different fields, in France and abroad, always in close partnership, sharing common perspectives and goals, with respect, above all, for the great values of France. For me this partnership is particularly important. It's a partnership built on historical values. And these historical values have proven their worth the world over. They are values that originated in France, but are now universal. My institution and my community are committed to defending, developing and promoting these values.

His Highness the Aga Khan
Paris, September 2018

A woman looks at a shelf of decorated plates and bowls in the Louvre.

Cultural Development

Two medical staff in Kabul monitor a patient in an MRI scanner.


A man in a hi-vis vest sits at a desk monitoring an array of power plant screens.

Infrastructure Development