
Prince Rahim Aga Khan meets President of the World Bank

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The AKMM debut album is a celebration of musical excellence and cultural heritage.

Aga Khan Master Musicians release debut album on Smithsonian Folkways label

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Voices from the Roof of the World series wins John B. Oakes Award

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Prince Rahim Aga Khan meets with UN Secretary General

Prince Rahim Aga Khan and United Nations Secretary General Mr António Guterres in New York on 9 February 2022.

Eskinder Debebe

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University of Michigan welcomes Princess Zahra Aga Khan and AKU delegation

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AKDN | United States of America

I believe we can partner effectively in applying the world’s most advanced expertise to the challenges of development in parts of the world which are less advanced. The United States’ position as a world leader, in my view, grows directly out of its accomplishments as a Knowledge Society – and this Knowledge – rightly applied – can continue to be a resource of enormous global value.

His Late Highness Aga Khan IV
Austin, April 2008

A smiling woman in a pink sari stands outside a toilet building.

Aga Khan Foundation USA

2.3 million

The Aga Khan Foundation’s (AKF) early childhood development initiatives benefit 2.3 million children globally

Five women in t-shirts branded with either FOCUS or Ismaili volunteer pose for the camera.

FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance (USA)


FOCUS has supported over 1,300 US volunteers to train in first aid, CPR and AED skills

A group of visitors stand near a tall wall, reflected in the water by their feet.



The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture was established in 1979


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