A teacher sits at a table interacting with two children, against a colourful backdrop with posters on the walls.

Supporting child development amid crisis in Syria

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Munzer Zidan, who owns 175 olive trees, produced less than a single tank of olive oil last year. Like other farmers in Khirais, Munzer is facing food insecurity and reduced income as a result of climate change.

How solar energy is helping this Syrian village become more climate-resilient

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Water scarcity is affecting the land in Salamieh District.

Connecting communities to water in Syria

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Threads of resilience: Maisaa's courageous tale of triumph over adversity in Syria

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World snapshots: Syria – The old souks of Aleppo


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The Souk al-Saqatiyya: a flat white surface with domed structures.

Aga Khan Trust for Culture receives ICCROM-Sharjah award for best practice in conservation of Islamic heritage

As part of the Aga Khan Development Network’s humanitarian assistance activities, including emergency health …


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AKDN | Syria

First, we are supporting local community leaders, teachers, doctors, engineers and others to foster stability, protecting their families and their communities. We are thus building and strengthening civil society to take as much responsibility as possible for their own future. Second, we are investing in communities, by supporting agriculture, income generation, early childhood education, schools and hospitals. We also provide vocational training to create skills. Our goal is to sustain hope.

His Late Highness Aga Khan IV
London, February 2016

A farmer checks one of his pistachio trees in an orchard.

Agriculture and Food Security


The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) works with 7,000 farmers

Exterior of the entrance to the Citadel of Aleppo in a state of partial restoration.

Cultural Development


76 traditional shop facades were rebuilt in the Souq al Saghir in Masyaf

Men lift aid supplies, such as rice, down from a large lorry.

Disaster Preparedness and Response


The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat has provided disaster management training, fire extinguishers and first aid kits for over 150 schools

Children line up with their teachers in a playground.

Early Childhood Development


AKF reaches 9,000 children

Two women sit on a rug with marker pens, talking to two children.



AKF has created 19,000 alternative learning spaces

Two men plant trees along the roadside, with photographs hanging nearby to show what the project is doing.



We worked with communities to plant 9,200 trees in Salamieh

A woman in a white coat attends to a baby in an incubator.



The AKDN Health Programme has reached over 30,000 families

A customer is served at a small pharmacy.



By 2021, First MicroFinance Bank Syria had served 50,000 beneficiaries


How We Work