
UAE Ministry of Culture enters Memorandum of Understanding with the Aga Khan Museum

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Finalists chosen for 2023 Global Pluralism Award

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Aga Khan Agency for Habitat team explaining the hazard vulnerability and risk map to International Development Minister of Canada. AKDN

Canada’s Minister of International Development visits flood-affected areas in Chitral

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UN High Commissioner for Refugees calls for action on climate-caused displacement

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi addressed the guests while Dr Mahmoud Eboo, Representative …

AKDN / Safiq Devji

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How can humankind honour what is distinctive about our separate identities and, at the same time, see diversity itself as a source of inspiration and blessing? Rather than fearing difference, how can we learn to embrace difference so that we can live together more peacefully and productively? This city and this country have been among the world leaders in providing positive answers to that ancient question.

His Late Highness Aga Khan IV
Toronto, May 2015

An aerial view of the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat building lit up at night.

Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat

A child and her mother look at an interactive exhibit within a truck.

Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) Canada

A room with white walls, artwork and the words Rebel, Jester, Mystic, Poet on the wall.

Aga Khan Museum and Aga Khan Park

A path with saplings at the sides leads to a section of garden with spouting water mists.

Parks and Gardens

Four people in helmets and boots carry a person on a stretcher through the snow.

FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance (Canada)

Exterior view of the Global Centre for Pluralism, a light coloured, L-shaped building with flowers and benches in front.

Global Centre for Pluralism


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