Prince Rahim Aga Khan poses for a photograph with the staff and leadership of HBL Microfinance Bank at the inauguration of its new Regional Headquarters for Gilgit-Baltistan.

HBL Microfinance Bank inaugurates new Regional HQ for Gilgit-Baltistan: A commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship

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Microfinance in Côte d'Ivoire

Premiere Agence de Microfinance branch in Boundiali, Côte d'Ivoire.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

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Microfinance in Madagascar

A community-based savings group in Madagascar. Groups like this supported by AKF provide people living in …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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AKDN | Financial Inclusion

Our approaches should encourage new financial models. Donor funding will be critical, but we cannot sustain programmes that depend on continuing bursts of outside money. Let me underscore for example, the potential of local “savings groups” and micro-insurance programmes, as well as the underutilised potential for debt-financing.

His Late Highness Aga Khan IV
Toronto, May 2014


Focused on Financial Inclusion

Our Work

Community-based savings groups

Loans and Banking Services

Investments in Banking and Insurance

Where We Work

Financial Inclusion
