
Voices from the Roof of the World series wins John B. Oakes Award

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“Change requires collective action”: Onno Rühl discusses climate challenges

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Aga Khan Agency for Habitat responds to monsoon floods in Pakistan

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Ismaili Imamat donates $10 million to Pakistan flood relief efforts

AKAH Pakistan

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Families stranded in inaccessible parts of Chitral have received over 2,000 kg of food. | AKAH Pakistan

Mobilising flood relief and rescue as rains continue to pour in Pakistan

AKAH Pakistan

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COP26: Climate change resilience in the high mountains of Tajikistan

In Khorog, Tajikistan, AKAH is training local communities in gabion weaving techniques to help construct …


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3 million

We have conducted hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments for settlements covering nearly three million people.



We have built safe water and sanitation systems for more than 600,000 people.



We have helped communities build 5,000 natural-hazard-resilient hospitals, schools and community centres.

“As we all know, natural disasters are increasing in both frequency and severity because of climate change. They have become more devastating than in the past. Both in mountainous and coastal areas, effects are especially strong. ...The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat was created specifically to find ways to deal with these increasing threats. Its mission is to find innovative ways to address the threat of natural disaster and work to make communities resilient, building on the decades of experience of various AKDN agencies.”

Prince Hussain Aga Khan, Geneva, May 2019

A long line of people in hi-vis vests dig in the snow, with mountains behind.

Disaster Preparedness and Response

A man holds a map of the terrain as he faces a valley with a settlement built along a river.

Habitat Planning

Children wash their hands at an outdoor basin, with an instructional poster above.

Water and Sanitation

A man and child stand at the door to their house. A bright children’s bike stands outside.

Safe and Sustainable Construction

Contact the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat

1-3 Avenue de la Paix, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland