
How savings groups and cooking classes are combating malnutrition and building climate resilience in Madagascar

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Some rice farmers are turning to regenerative farming: simple practices that increase productivity, reduce costs and labour, and strengthen climate resilience.

“The money we used for chemicals, we now use for food” – How regenerative farming is improving food security and building climate resilience in Madagascar

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Martinique Boeny: Biogas in Madagascar

Mrs Martinique cooking in her biogas-fueled kitchen, free of harmful smoke fumes.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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Madagascar Independence Day

In poor rural areas, community-based savings groups are often providing people with access to basic finance …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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SPEEDRICE: Effortless rice permaculture in Madagascar

The Zanatany Rice Permaculture System integrates trees and shrubs in the fields to boost crop yield and …

AKDN / Didier Van Bignoot

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AKDN | Madagascar

Madagascar has identified the challenges facing its people and drawn up a clear road map. And as the country appropriately shares this vision of the future with the Aga Khan Development Network, we can now move forward hand-in-hand for the good of generations to come.

His Highness the Aga Khan
Antananarivo, November 2007

A man tips cacao beans from a basket into piles on the ground in front of thatched buildings.

Agriculture and Food Security


Over 80,000 smallholder rice farmers have increased their yields since 2005

Three people repair a car in a garage.



PAMF-Madagascar disbursed more than 695,000 digital loans in 2021

AKDN IN Madagascar

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