Through youth entrepreneurship training facilitated by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), Lucy Nyawira is running two businesses from her home in Mtomondoni village in Kenya

“It’s about helping my community as well as earning an income”: COVID-19 sparks a new generation of young entrepreneurs in Kenya

Through youth entrepreneurship training facilitated by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), Lucy Nyawira is …


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A brightly-clothed woman stands and speaks at a nursing council meeting in Zanzibar. Other participants sit alongside her.

Breaking the bias

Members of the Zanzibar nursing council meet to develop and decide upon their strategy and elect new …

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

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Norwegian Embassy grant enables further help for displaced people in Mozambique

An AKF-supported civil society group in Cabo Delgado meets to improve village infrastructure.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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UCA launches School for the Advancement of Gender Equality

Mothers push their prams as they walk on a road in Naryn.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

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Aga Khan Foundation's work with the seniors

In Portugal, one third of the population will be more than 65 years old by 2050. Aware of this reality, AKDN …

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

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AKDN | Civil Society

When I speak of a vital Civil Society I think of path-breaking efforts in the field of education, from early childhood to advanced postgraduate programmes. I think of health-related innovators, whether they are extending quality maternal and natal care or creating new tertiary care facilities. I think about efforts to advance the arts and culture, to improve environmental quality and foster scientific research. Civil Society includes a host of professional, labour, ethnic and religious groups and a broad array of non-governmental organisations – NGOs – as well.

His Highness the Aga Khan
Sharm el-Sheikh, February 2016


Focused on Civil Society

[The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme in northern Pakistan] is a development effort that has become a model for rural programmes throughout the country and across the globe…

Operations Evaluation Department, World Bank, 2002

Where We Work

Civil Society
