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Where We Work

And I think that the common denominator amongst all peoples is to improve the quality of life. That is a basic fact and I have seen communities that have conflictual relationships over decades change their whole philosophy of life because they had come together around a common purpose that they had defined. Not our agencies. They had defined. They had told us in their societies, in their organisations, what were the priorities they wanted.

His Late Highness Aga Khan IV, London, October 2012

AKDN Around the World


Central Asia

We integrate social, cultural and economic projects in Central Asia, ranging from humanitarian assistance to building universities and energising musical traditions. 

South Asia

With programmes spanning rural and urban communities, extending from financial services to the long-term development of civil society, we offer multiple services to improve the quality of life in South Asia.

Eastern Africa

Our programmes here cover agriculture, health, education, infrastructure and civil society capacity building, in a holistic approach to social development.

West Africa

We operate the Azito Energie power plant in Côte d’Ivoire.

Middle East

We engage in cultural and educational activities in the United Arab Emirates, offer humanitarian assistance in Syria and get involved in several aspects of development in Egypt.

East Asia

We work with the governments of Singapore and Malaysia on arts and architectural collaborations within East Asia.


We raise awareness of development issues and mobilise resources in several European countries. We work with their governments, universities, multilateral organisations and other partners on issues affecting their own countries and others.

North America

We collaborate with the Canadian Government and work with several US state governments and academic partners. Together we undertake a range of educational, cultural and humanitarian initiatives, both within these countries and in the developing world.