4 ways habitat planning builds safer, thriving communities

In Conversation with Onno Rühl

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Aga Khan Agency for Habitat and Tajikistan partner to open an urban planning and design lab

AKAH works to increase the resilience of Khorog to natural hazards by conducting integrated habitat …

AKAH Tajikistan

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Improving hygiene to save lives

Hundreds of foot-operated COVID-compliant handwashing stations have been installed in public facilities …


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Aga Khan Agency for Habitat wins recognition in TERI-IWA-UNDP Water Sustainability Awards

In Maharashtra, villagers help the AKAH team to collect details from the Gram Panchayat (village …

AKAH India

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AKDN | Habitat Planning and Improvement

When we studied the economic development of poor societies, we realised that when poor families manage to put money aside for the first time, they invest in their homes. Often it is a tin roof, running water or a sewerage system. In other words, human beings first look at everything that happens around them and their family. By working on people’s homes, we are working on basic needs and this then has an impact on several generations in the family. It is often an asset which increases in value if the property is well managed. So, housing has an impact on many areas in a family's life and that's why I wanted to monitor the development and try to support institutions that help to drive change.

His Late Highness Aga Khan IV
Chantilly, March 2019


Focused on Habitat Planning and Improvement





Habitat Planning and Improvement
