
Prince Rahim Aga Khan joins world leaders at COP28

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“Teachers for the Planet” launches to showcase climate education leadership by the world's teachers

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Prince Rahim calls for sustainable approach to city design at World Government Summit

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AKDN | United Arab Emirates

The best architecture teaches us to engage with Nature respectfully; not by conquering or subduing it, nor by isolating ourselves away from it. Our host country, the United Arab Emirates, itself offers impressive examples of integrating well the natural and the human environments.

His Highness the Aga Khan
Al-Ain, November 2016

Aga Khan Award for Architecture winners stand on stage, holding their awards.

Cultural Development


Three Aga Khan Award for Architecture ceremonies have been held in the Middle East

A teacher reads to a young boy who is sitting on her lap.

Early Childhood Development


The Aga Khan Early Learning Centre (AKELC) Dubai serves 100 children

AKDN IN United Arab Emirates

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