Members of His Highness the Aga Khan’s family welcome guests to the Imamat Day reception at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon.

Imamat Day reception held at Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat

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Mayor Basílio Horta awards the Sintra's Municipal Merit Medal to Prince Amyn Aga Khan.

Prince Amyn Aga Khan receives Sintra’s Municipal Merit Medal

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Left to right: Dr Regina Martins, Representing the Permanent Mission of Equatorial-Guinea; Ambassador Rita Ferro, Portuguese Representative; Ambassador Juliano Nascimento, Brazilian Representative; Ambassador Oliveira Francisco, Angolan Representative; Nazim Ahmad, Diplomatic Representative of the Ismaili Imamat to Portugal; Dr Mariana Pinto, Representing the Permanent Mission of Guinea-Bissau; Ambassador Joaquim Bule, Mozambican Representative; Ambassador António do Espírito Santo, Representative of São Tomé and Príncipe; Dr Ana Pires, Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Cape Verde Mission

The Community of Portuguese Language Countries hosted at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat

AKDN / José Fernandes.

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Prince Rahim and Portuguese President meet in Lisbon

Prince Rahim and President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa in Lisbon.

AKDN / Rui Ochoa

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President of Guinea-Bissau hosted at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat

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AKDN | Portugal

In my work I look at peoples from all environments – cities, rural urban areas, deserts, industrialised areas – and I look at how people live, and I ask myself, ‘How can we improve the living conditions of people in all these environments?’ And we learn, all the time, from all our contacts in all the cities we work with, and Portugal has set an example of a pluralist society, which is remarkable, which should be honoured, which should be recognised, which should be copied.

His Highness the Aga Khan
Porto, May 2019

Four people stand in a grocery shop, laughing together.

Civil Society


AKF is supporting 336 civil society organisations, reaching 127,000 people

Musicians play to an audience in a circular gallery.

Cultural Development

12th century

AKTC is collaborating on the conservation of a 12th-century settlement

Young children sit with adults in a playground while a girl explores a wooden climbing frame.

Early Childhood Development


AKF’s ECD and education programmes have reached 95,000 people

Young people gather around laptops in a classroom.



AKF is working with 29,000 learners at almost 400 schools and learning spaces

Course participants write on a flipchart.

Work and Enterprise


AKF has supported over 17,000 people in Portugal to improve their skills and access better employment opportunities

Five smiling people show a set of baskets on a table.

Working with Portuguese-speaking Countries


AKF’s work with multilateral and bilateral partners has benefitted over 500,000 Mozambicans

AKDN IN Portugal

How We Work