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A forest planted by AKF with support from the local community in Roshtqala District, Gorno-Badakhshan …

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

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In rural India, AKRSP is helping communities to adopt organic farming practices to grow vegetables such as …

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

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In India, AKRSP organises monthly demonstrations to show cotton farmers how to farm sustainably, preparing bio pesticide as well as organic compost (above), fertilizer and repellents amongst other things. AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

In India, AKRSP organises monthly demonstrations to show cotton farmers how to farm sustainably, preparing bio pesticide as well as organic compost (above), fertilizer and repellents amongst other things.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

Adaptation and Mitigation in Diverse Ecosystems

We work with rural communities in mountains, coastal areas and plains to strengthen their resilience towards climate change.

We support awareness-raising and education about:

  • climate resilience;

  • coping strategies in different ecosystems;

  • community-led climate resilience plans at the village and regional levels;

  • environmental change tracking;

  • representation of women in decision making processes; and

  • incorporation of gender perspectives in programme design.

We help to establish:

  • protective and climate-responsive infrastructure;

  • sustainable water management and efficient irrigation systems (including solar irrigation);

  • local production and availability of climate-adapted inputs;

  • agricultural and non-agricultural diversification such as enterprises which promote climate resilience; and

  • climate-smart and gender-sensitive innovations.

In 2023 we helped irrigate 20,000 hectares of land.

We seek to build a more resilient natural environment in various ecosystems. This includes:

  • building the available biomass;

  • helping communities better manage biodiversity of soils, water, crops and livestock;

  • facilitating tree planting, forest regeneration and micro forests;

  • promoting regenerative, climate-smart agriculture and livestock;

  • encouraging local management and governance of natural resources;

  • providing clean and renewable energy; and

  • recognising gender differences in building resilience capabilities amongst women and men.

In Madagascar, AKF is working with rural households to adopt biogas as an alternative to cooking fuel. This biodigester breaks down cattle waste to produce renewable fuel for Mrs Martinique’s kitchen appliances, eliminating the need to burn firewood. AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

In Madagascar, AKF is working with rural households to adopt biogas as an alternative to cooking fuel. This biodigester breaks down cattle waste to produce renewable fuel for Mrs Martinique’s kitchen appliances, eliminating the need to burn firewood.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

Clean Energy

We support small-scale community-based energy generation solutions. These provide access to clean energy for domestic and commercial uses, such as off-grid micro hydel projects under one megawatt. These energy units typically are owned and managed by the community and complement larger-scale AKDN energy initiatives by extending coverage of electricity to underserved and remote areas. We also promote clean energy technologies beyond hydroelectricity, including solar irrigation and other solutions linked to key economic sectors such as agriculture.

We have established over 50 megawatts of clean energy, primarily in mountain ecosystems. This has significantly reduced the pressure on forests. In 2023, 52,000 individuals and almost 700 enterprises were using our clean energy infrastructure.

We complement large-scale AKDN energy ventures such as Pamir Energy and Badakhshon Energy by supporting enterprises and economic activities at the community level, including through Accelerate Prosperity. This catalyses green enterprises with relevant products and services, increases the number of green jobs and enhances community climate resilience.