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Students studying for AKU-ISMC's MA in Muslim Cultures relax in the Garden of Light on the 9th floor of the …

AKU-ISMC / Jonathan Goldberg

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ISMC student in the Aga Khan Library, London. Photo: Jonathan Goldberg

ISMC student in the Aga Khan Library, London.

AKU-ISMC / Jonathan Goldberg

Aga Khan Library

The Aga Khan Library holds over 100,000 print and electronic titles focusing on Muslim civilisations and their diasporas around the world, as well as on a broad range of research topics. The Aga Khan Library Digital Collections platform enables online access to rare collections that comprise thousands of manuscripts, out-of-print publications and maps produced across the Muslim world.

The Library has also built up a collection of documentary and feature films covering a wide range of themes and regions, and a collection of audio recordings of religious and popular music from all over the Muslim world. Learn more