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Cinzia Torriani, a Diploma Programme 1 student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, has channeled her energy into becoming an environmental activist, focusing on ways to better her environment while also keeping in mind the local community.


One of the first initiatives Cinzia undertook was her Year 10 personal project, a part of the Academy’s curriculum that allows students to collaborate with individuals in their local community in order to address an issue or challenge. Cinzia created an integrated farming system, combining a fish farm, chicken farm and maize farm, which was self-sufficient. Human efficiency would be maximised; the harvest timeline would be eradicated, and locals would be provided with an alternative – and more productive – way to get fish from the ocean.

Following the completion of her personal project, Cinzia was able to spread her message about the environment even further by speaking at the 2019 TEDxYouth event held at the Academy. In her talk, Cinzia spoke about the importance of fighting complacency in order for action to be taken toward the environment, while also discussing her personal project as a way of implementing a new agricultural system.

“This was one of the most thrilling and greatest memories I hold,” Cinzia said. “I was able to use my voice as a way to spread my opinions and ideas on what mattered to me to a group of people who were interested in listening. From this, my story was published in one of the nation’s newspapers, Business Daily, about my project, my TEDx talk and my future goals. This provided me with the opportunity to convey my message about environmental sustainability to a larger audience.”