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AKF is currently in the process of securing widespread smallholder farmer participation. The aim is to make farms like Changarawe become local economic engines that catalyse significant increases in production, local employment and incomes for smallholder farmers.


All five of Changarawe’s greenhouses are now at maximum capacity and, with the support of the Foundation, Nick is partnering with nearby smallholder farmers to meet this growing demand. If Changarawe is able to produce all of these products at scale, Ramosh has indicated that it will source all of its produce from Nick’s farm.

In addition to connecting supply with demand, AKF and the district government are keen to ensure that the knowledge transfer of best farming and distribution practices are widespread. Not only do the smallholders assist Nick in meeting his quota, but the farmers from the area also come to Changarawe to learn. The model envisioned by the community is one whereby local smallholder farmers sell to Changarawe, who in turn sell to Ramosh. AKF is currently in the process of securing widespread smallholder farmer participation. The aim is to make farms like Changarawe become local economic engines that catalyse significant increases in production, local employment and incomes for smallholder farmers.

Nick’s determination is infectious as we chat – his unyielding desire to continue moving forward exemplifies his entrepreneurial spirit.

There is an African proverb that echoes around Changarawe: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” The farm sees itself not only as a promising business, but also as the heartbeat of a district, and an economic engine infusing life into the hearts and homes of smallholder farmers and labourers. Creating shared value means Changarawe’s progress is everyone’s progress. Its growth is inclusive. In a world where most of the poor are smallholder farmers, this model offers hope for a better quality of life for Mtwara’s poorest farmers. Changarawe and its smallholder farmers can go far together.

Support for Nickson is implemented under the Food Value Chain Development Project (Kilimo ni Biashara), a 3-year project under the GIZ programme E4D/SOGA and financed by UKAID, Norad, LNG Plant Project, and the German Government. The project creates and facilitates economic opportunities for smallholder farmers and businesses to produce, process, and provide food for external markets, with a focus on the natural resource industry.

This article was originally published on the AKF UK website.