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The human-centred design process puts women like Aida and Gulmira, along with other community stakeholders, at the centre of designing a programme to support private ECD centres.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

The months-long process resulted in Baktyluu Bala or the “Happy Child” initiative. The key objectives of the Happy Child initiative are to:

  • Improve access to quality ECD services in semi-urban areas of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Create opportunities for women entrepreneurs to successfully run ECD centres.

The Local Impact design team is working closely with the Association of Private ECD Centres on the Happy Child initiative. To help meet the objectives, the team is developing an ECD Start-up Kit for existing and future women entrepreneurs; building the ECD and business skills of women entrepreneurs; and facilitating community support to help women entrepreneurs continue developing their business.

The Aga Khan Foundation celebrates women, both budding entrepreneurs and mothers, as they seek the best opportunities for themselves, their children and their families. By using a human-centred design approach, it is working to ensure that women are at the table to both identify the problem and develop the solution.

*Names have been changed.

This text was adapted from an article published on the AKF USA website.