In Karachi, Pakistan, at the Aga Khan University Centre for Innovation in Medical Education, staff work with a cardiovascular simulator in the cath lab.  AKU / Shabbir Hussen

In Karachi, Pakistan, at the Aga Khan University Centre for Innovation in Medical Education, staff work with …

AKU / Shabbir Hussen

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Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi laboratory, Kenya. 

Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi laboratory, Kenya. 

AKU / Peter Irungu

Empowering women. Nearly half of our faculty and three of every five AKU students are women. Moreover, our leadership in maternal and child health research is internationally renowned. Providing girls and women with opportunities to thrive will always be one of our top priorities.

Fostering pluralism. Through our research, curricula, admissions and culture, we build respect and understanding across religious, ethnic, communal and national boundaries.

Always connecting. AKU has a long record of partnering successfully with other institutions. We forge connections between the private and public sectors, the developed and developing worlds, urban and rural areas, ideas and faiths. Our supporters and partners include the governments of Canada, France, Germany, Norway, the United States and the United Kingdom; the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; the University of California, San Francisco; Johnson & Johnson; the World Bank; the World Health Organization and many others.