Aga Khan Foundation
Tajikistan · 20 September 2023 · 4 min
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
The National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan 2030 lists the “protection and sustainable use of natural resources to ensure further economic and social development” amongst “the main objectives and crucial conditions for sustainable human development”. From increasing biodiversity to reducing water wastage, these farmers from Sughd Province in northwest Tajikistan have found numerous ways to improve their environment and mitigate the effects of climate change, while increasing productivity in regions where arable land is precious.
Storing water for summer use
Umriboqi Nosirov helps build a reservoir near the grape vines in Sarazm-Shurnova Village, Panjakent.
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
Sarazm-Shurnova Village in Panjakent specialises in grapes, which require warm temperatures and plenty of water. However, the impact of climate change has had a devastating impact in the region by increasing the length of hot summer days and causing water scarcity.
There is ample water from rain, melting snow and glaciers during winter and spring. Umriboqi Nosirov, the village head, and other villagers have received support to build water reservoirs. These collect and store up to 25,000 litres of water to be used for irrigation during the drier late spring and summer months. The reservoirs are 65 percent financed by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)-established Mountain Societies Development Support Programme (MSDSP), with the communities contributing in cash and in kind to cover the remaining costs.
Revitalising barren land
While Sughd contains one-third of Tajikistan’s arable land, much is mountainous and difficult to farm.
AKDN / Gulru Dodkhudoeva
“My father was a farmer, and he taught me that trees prevent land erosion. I want my children to have this knowledge too,” says Sirojidinov Alikhon. A farmer from Rarz Village in the mountainous Ayni District, he is teaching both his sons and daughters to be farmers, and to beautify their village. “When I saw beautiful green hills elsewhere in Tajikistan, I got inspired to make my village green as well”.
Tajikistan’s Forestry Agency and the Integrated Rural Development Programme “Improving livelihoods and food security through sustainable natural resources management”– financed by the European Union Delegation in Tajikistan and AKF – gave Sirojidinov two hectares of barren land on the top of a mountainous hill. Here he planted the trees supplied by the project: fruit trees as well as conifers, poplars and rose hips. Working with his family, Sirojidinov built a 500-metre road to the top of the hill in order to transport the trees and vermicompost. By 2022 they had planted more than 4,000 trees, inspiring others to develop their own gardens.
Planting micro-forests for fruit and environmental benefits
Tilloev Norqul of Sarazm-Nuri Zinfagi Village, Panjakent, checks on the progress of a new micro-forest.
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
“Our land was empty, and we wanted to plant it, to get money and to improve the environment. That’s why AKF supported us,” says Tilloev Norqul, of Sarazm-Nuri Zinfagi Village, Panjakent. Tilloev has 35 years of experience in looking after trees. A farmer, he cultivates rice and vegetables to feed his wife and seven children.
MSDSP gave Tilloev and others 1,500 seedlings to share, along with compost, fences and concrete. The trees and shrubs are native to other parts of Tajikistan and include apricots, mulberries, raspberries and pears. The recipients are observing the trees to see which are best adapted to the climate, before replanting them in their gardens and selling the fruit.
A few weeks after planting, these seedlings are forming a dense, biodiverse micro-forest.
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
Improving canals to irrigate fields
Qurbonov Hazratqul’s irrigation canals were often washed away during the rainy season.
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
Qurbonov, a 43-year-old father of three, cultivates potatoes and other crops. He relied on irrigation canals that would bring water to the surrounding fields. But during the rainy season, floods often washed these away. Qurbonov was attending a potato cluster meeting, where groups of potato producers can share best practices, when an AKF engineer proposed a solution.
“This was a good investment,” says Qurbonov. “But we need to keep preparing, as the winters now are colder and the summers are getting warmer.”
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
The construction of the solid banks was finalised in 2022, with AKF providing 75 percent of the finance. The canal withstood the heavy rains later that year, providing continuous water for Qurbonov’s field and saving him a fortnight’s repair work.
Replacing chemicals with worms
This concrete pool contains grass, manure and soil, forming a home for Red Californian worms.
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
Three years ago, residents of Sufiyoun Village, Panjakent, were using chemical fertilisers to produce high fruit and vegetable yields. Then Hanifa Sharipova and her daughter Mahtob saw a TV advertisement about vermicompost. This organic fertiliser is made from Red Californian worms breaking down waste. Haydar Ashurov, Hanifa’s husband, saw some worms at the market and successfully experimented with them at home, replacing chemical fertiliser for his tomatoes, bell peppers and other vegetables.
Up to 2,000 worms inhabit each box.
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
Observing the efficiency of the biohumus, the family decided to breed the worms and sell them to other farmers in the region. Haydar received Integrated Rural Development project funding from the European Commission and GIZ, implemented via MSDSP. With the resulting water reservoir, walk-behind tractor, cement and water meter, he built a 22-metre-long concrete pool filled with grass, cow manure and soil. This would become a home for thousands of Red Californian worms for the next six months. He sells the worms for 1,900 somoni ($190) for eight boxes.
The family says that vermicompost has many advantages, being organic, healthy and cheap, needing renewal only every three years. “Even the taste of the vegetables is better.”
AKDN / Lambert Coleman
Haydar wants others to care about the environment too, and demonstrates his compost in schools. “Our community should eat fresh, pure and clean vegetables and fruits – this is my mission and goal.”