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A smallholder farmer in Cabo Delgado uses the AKF-promoted “Gorongosa style” silo, designed to securely store larger volumes of seed and grain over significant periods of time.

AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura

On 23 November 2021, the Norwegian Foreign Office agreed to a grant of US$ 1.1 million to support AKF’s work. It will be used over the next two years to benefit 3,000 internally displaced people, alongside another 15,000 beneficiaries in Chiure and Metuge in Cabo Delgado. The project focuses on women and young people. It covers food security, socio-economic resilience and social cohesion, aiming to spur agricultural activity in displaced communities.

The project will be delivered through the village development organisations supported by AKF, and via the Instituto Agrário de Ocua. The latter was previously the Agrarian Institute of Bilibiza. Destroyed by insurgents in 2020, it has relocated to Ocua along with its faculty and 337 students.

The Norwegian Embassy and AKF have worked together since 2016 on the Institute’s improvement and modernisation project, enhancing lives and livelihoods both in the short term and for the future. The Institute’s recent initiatives have included building a community aviary holding 750 chickens to support internally displaced people; introducing vitamin-rich sweet potatoes into local diets; and collecting seeds for reforestation.