
Teaching climate resilience: A forum for innovation

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Schools2030 seeks to discover “what works” in different classrooms to improve holistic learning outcomes.

Schools2030 seeks to discover “what works” in different classrooms to improve holistic learning outcomes.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

Teacher Said Kombo works with a student at Tom Mboya Primary School, Mombasa, one of the schools involved in the initiative. AKDN / Kevin Oloo

Teacher Said Kombo works with a student at Tom Mboya Primary School, Mombasa, one of the schools involved in the initiative.

AKDN / Kevin Oloo

Teachers in Tajikistan working through Schools2030's human-centred design toolkit. AKDN / Najiba Temurshoeva

Teachers in Tajikistan working through Schools2030's human-centred design toolkit.

AKDN / Najiba Temurshoeva

Children in Bihar, India, using the Learning at Home Kit, developed through the HCD process alongside communities to support learning at home during lockdown for communities with limited access top technology. AKDN / Ranjan Rahi

Children in Bihar, India, using the Learning at Home Kit, developed through the HCD process alongside …

AKDN / Ranjan Rahi

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...there is no greater form of preparation for change than education. I also think that there is no better investment that the individual, parents, and the nation can make than an investment in education of the highest possible quality.

His Highness the Aga Khan
Osh, October 2002

A child visits one of the 200 library kiosks set up by AKF India. AKF

A child visits one of the 200 library kiosks set up by AKF India.



AKF India provides almost 200 iron boxes of books in public spaces. A volunteer opens each mini community library daily for children and their parents to borrow a range of literature, nurturing both academic ability and socio-emotional development. Initially a response to the pandemic, it is particularly useful for children who are unable to attend school.

Finding that over half of six- to ten-year-old students in a girls’ school in Baghlan, Afghanistan struggled with literacy, their teacher Shafiqa designed a project-oriented class. She used game-based methods including flashcards and ‘question roulette’, before assigning students group research projects on the topics and having them present to their classmates.

A student demonstrates her measuring cylinder model. AKF

A student demonstrates her measuring cylinder model.


The meteorological stars innovation at a Ugandan secondary school encourages the students to create mock weather stations and meteorological equipment, involving design, crafts, analysing data sets and presenting to classmates while better understanding the natural environment.

Finding that students often lose their enthusiasm for learning, a cluster of schools in Portugal have established ‘Our Classroom without a Roof’. This is an outdoor learning environment in which students accomplish tasks in a practical way surrounded by nature, increasing their engagement.